Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Ir.(Intelligence-Retard)

CONTENT WARNING: below explosion-of-anger post is solely intended for the person mentioned in it. it contains words that are not suitable for some readers (you know yourself better). the writer broke her first-time record list for the choice of words she picked but she would like to assure she has no intention to continue using the same words to other creatures she may come across in the future....God-willing, amen!

was so killing-me angry...

we were talking...some friends and i...the subject was this particular idiot:

last year this idiot had a heated argument with me in a meeting armed with his single digit IQ...and now he devalued the single digit IQ with his known idiocy retaliating when his physically weak but much more brainy and fearless opponent (the best way to describe myself after what he had done...LOL) was not around refering to me as 'that lady' in a meeting...i almost puked at the thought of his chicken and thick-skin face trying to sound smart uttering 'that lady' ...WTF...I felt like calling his boss telling him that during appraisal session with this a*sh*le he needed glasses not only for his eyes ...but after thinking it over ...he proved his idiocy and i have no reservation of saying what i had when telling him in his face he was evil for trying to take credit of others hard-work and make others sincere efforts assisting the team go unnoticed. His dirty self-promoting approach was definitely routed from so much incompetency...

'AN Ir. LIKE HIM IS NOT WORTH A SINGLE CENT!!!!!'...that thought makes him history to me!!!

but his story is worth a post in my blog as one of the many examples of how questionable one-with-title's credential is many times...and i personally feel an idiot is an idiot no matter what titles he carries...


also, I express myself better when I am sense of humor and levity is at its peak!!!

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