Friday, February 19, 2010

mind boggling

  1. i have a mole on my forearm...when i was small a friend told me 'you would cradle someone dying as that's what moles on forearms indicate'...

  2. some 18 years back my mother dreamt about me being chased by a snake...i cut off the chase entering a house and slamming the door. this scene repeated in her dream like four, five or six times (she didn't remember exactly how many times but it was several). the dream was a bad sign to her that she refused to tell more...

  3. i am a loner but hardly feel lonely...many wonder how i survive. i am not sure what survive means here. i just live life the way it goes and feel there is nothing wrong with being apart from the crowd (through the years i have developed signs of a demophobia). but in hindsight, if survive means as i understand it, then i have survived as many times when i was in trouble someone would turn up helping...and many times (almost all the time) these people were strangers or people i knew not that well...Allah is Great!...

  4. during a 'nation building' program while i was in high school, in one of the sessions we had to write on a piece of paper the profession we believed our best friend would end up as later in best friend shocked the hell out of me to unfold her piece of paper on which she had written 'a politician' was a puzzle to me how she had arrived at that...i was thinking more of 'a doctor' (like i have the determination to focus and struggle to be one!!!) or 'a vet' (i haven't got a clue how i saw myself fit to be one) or 'a farmer' (simply because i love peaceful country life), here what my update is...أعمل كمهندسة... the unfamiliarity of the language spares me the embarrassment of thinking i am one because the work i am doing doesn't serve me to be called as one...
must-share me:
  1. i block out all dreams i had about snake
  2. i rather be a tailor (i like sewing) or a cook (i love food) than a politician!!!

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